IvyDB Implied Dividend
Anticipated Dividends Implied by the Options Market
Greater Predictive Power
IvyDB Implied Dividend uses a superior methodology and more accurate model to predict dividend yields with the options market valuation of future dividends over time, versus historical, backward-looking data, used by other providers. IvyDB Implied Dividend’s numerical approach, incorporating binomial tree models to price risk-neutral dividend yields, offers greater accuracy in determining dividends for US options, over put-call parity, which can be prone to systematic bias as a result of the American-style exercise feature.
Benefits of IvyDB Implied Dividend
- Gain important insights on dividend forecasts with forward-looking dividend projections for US optionable single-name securities
- Assess dividend risk premium trades and pricing dividends into the future
- Proxy for dividend uncertainty in the market against analyst and other dividend forecast expectations
- Gauge signals in portfolio selection, such as in identifying stocks with a positive implied dividend yield
- Assess cross-sectional comparisons across groups (sectors, market cap, etc.)
- Backtest investment strategies
- Intuitive and easy to use; no options expertise required
The Latest News & Events
Trading in popular zero-day options dried up during Monday’s market panic
On Monday, zero-day options (0DTE) trading linked to the S&P 500 decreased to 26% of total volume, down from 50%, as U.S. stocks experienced their worst session in two years. This change signals an increasing preference for longer-term hedges in ...
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The recent market selloff, where the S&P 500 dropped 3% and volatility surged, led to a decline in 0DTE options volume from 48% to 26%. Despite their popularity for short-term speculation, rising volatility made longer-dated contracts more appealing due to ...
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Discover how you can use IvyDB Implied Dividend for dividend forecasting and investment strategies, today.